GPS Tracker Technology for Use in Duke of Edinburgh Expeditions - SPOT Vs Irdium and GSM
GPS Tracker Technology for Use in Duke of Edinburgh Expeditions - SPOT Vs Irdium and GSM
Use of GPS trackers for expeditions is growing in popularity. If you are considering using them, then it is important to understand their capabilities and their limitations. There are several popular types of GPS tracker; SPOT, Iridium, and GSM.Hit on gps tracker to explore more about our services and sites. Hope you ll like our more services.
SPOT trackers used to be a very popular choice for Duke of Edinburgh expeditions, but their popularity has waned in recent years as other competing tracker technology has emerged on the market and become more affordable. SPOT offer several different types of tracker, but the most popular unit is the SPOT Gen3 device. As the name suggests, this is a third-generation tracker. It is greatly improved on the generation 1 and generation 2 and is considerably smaller and has a better battery life than previous incarnations. SPOT trackers are powered by, 4 x Lithium batteries which can last several weeks, depending on how frequently the unit is used. The Lithium cells are expensive, so the cost of these should be factored into the costs of yearly ownership. The generation 3 model will also operate from a 5v cable, and from NN12 rechargeable cells. These NN12 cells are expensive, and the battery life is less than using the lithium equivalents, but regular users might opt to use these instead.
SPOT trackers transmit to direct to the Globalstar satellite network, which gives them a good global-coverage but it is not 100% of the globe. It is important to check the manufacturer website to see if the areas you are travelling to have reliable coverage. Because the tracker transmits direct to satellite, it requires a clear view of the sky in all directions, so should always be mounted on the outside of a bag, at the top. SPOTS do not work under heavy canopy, and can sometimes struggle to reconnect and send updates if they have been out of signal. Sometimes a reset of the device is required to bring it back online.
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